
This blog explains how I keep bees. It works for me, it might not work for you. Use my methods at your own risk. Always wear protective clothing and use a smoker when working bees.

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Saturday, July 3, 2010

What lurks near the bee yard

My trail camera got a picture of this Red Fox taking a break

I cropped this photo of the Red Fox

A young fawn starting to munch on the clover and buckwheat I planted

A Doe deer cruising past the camera

I have my trail camera running. Last week I was woken up to a big cat snarling in the woods near my house. Of course I really wasn't interested in a close personal encounter so I stayed inside. The next night I put my camera out.
I heard two days later of a cougar sighted in Stillwater by two different people.
I hope I can catch a picture of it on my trail camera.