Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Our Warm Weather

This warm weather we are experiencing is letting beekeepers with not quite enough honey stores, some added time to get feed into the colony.
 The bad news is, with the warm weather and no hard freeze, there still is pollen available for the bees. With the pollen coming in and the warm weather, there may be brood still being produced by some colonies. As more brood happens so do more mites.
 The warm weather makes it a little harder to do the dribble method oxalic acid treatment. Not being cold enough to get the bees in a hard cluster. The advantage of the vaporizer is you can treat, because the vapor is distributed throughout the hive.
 Some beekeepers who have treated their bees for mites, are finding very high mite counts again. The bees have been re-infested with mites. Some of these beekeepers have already had their hives die from high mite loads.
A beekeeper sent me this pic. He treated with formic in August. He was concerned that his hive had a brood disease. At first look, it did look that way. On closer inspection you can see mites in the cells and on the larvae.
This hive is suffering from Parasitic Mite Syndrome. Very high mite count.
High mite load. You can see several mites on larvae in the cells.
Where are all these mites coming from after the hive was already treated? The problem is other beekeepers who do not treat their bees. Their problem becomes our problem. It is in the best interest of all beekeepers if everyone treated for mites.