Monday, October 31, 2016

New Bee Lab on the St Paul Campus

University of MN Bee Lab est.2016


Main Hallway - Freezers for experiments - to lab rooms

Observation hives room. The bees cannot see red. So a red light is dark to them

Work shop / Woodworking Tools

Hot room for honey supers before extracting. Heated floor with dehumidifier on the wall

40 frame Tangential Extractor. This type of extractor is very efficient. The extractor turns for only five minutes per cycle. A radial extractor by contrast, uses around a 15 minute cycle.

The honey leaves the extractor and flows into a clarifier that is below the floor. From the clarifier the honey is pumped through a bag filter, then into the honey bulk tank.

The bulk tank is piped to an E-Z Fill automatic bottler. This bottler fills a wide variety of bottle sizes. The E-Z fill can be set to fill any size bottle, filling the bottle precisely to the correct weight. The other tank to the rear of the pic is a wax melter.