Monday, June 20, 2016

The nectar flow

Basswood tree in bloom.

When the Basswood tree nectar flows, the trees are alive with pollinators,
The nectar flow is moving forward. White sweet clover is blooming across the metro area. Also, Basswood/Linden trees are starting to bloom. We are quickly moving towards peak nectar flow. I don't think we are at the peak yet, but within the next week I think we will be there. Flowers are popping open everywhere.
 Our main honey plants right now are white sweet clover and Basswood.
 Basswood/Linden trees can be an unreliable flow. Sometimes the trees flower but don't secrete nectar. Other times when the Basswood flows, it usually can give a beekeeper a large crop of honey. On warm still evenings, standing around your hives, the bees will be fanning at the hive entrance. The odor of honey can be in the air as the bees move air in the hive to remove moisture, ripening the honey so they can cap it with wax.
There are many other nectar producing flowers that contribute to the honey crop. Some that can really make your honey unique.
 If you are not getting any honey in the supers, your bees probably swarmed. When the bees swarm the field bees leave. The hive is still full of bees but the field force has been depleted. Hive populations will recover but the hive may have to be fed syrup to boost their winter stores. If a hive needs feeding for winter stores, that should be done in August.