Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Where we are at

The nectar flow is moving forward. There is still nectar plants blooming everywhere. Supers are being added to stay ahead of the bees.
 The huge rainfall we experienced was great for beekeepers in sandy soil areas. Many times sandy areas have a shortened nectar flow if it starts to get dry. The latest rain and rain in the forecast for late in the weekend should keep the nectar flowing for those beekeepers.
 The warm temperatures with days in the 80's for the foreseeable future should keep the bees on their honey collection binge.
 Goldenrod flowers are set around the 4th of July. With the big rain we had, there is a possibility of a Goldenrod flow in August. Goldenrod is a fickle nectar flow. It seems to produce a good amount of nectar only every five years or so. Being that the nectar flow is running on high octane right now. I am thinking the Goldenrod might give us a show as well.
 I am still getting swarm reports. The swarm calls seem to be easily preventable. Some beekeepers leaving entrance reducers in, not putting supers on, not checking for swarm cells in June.
 A beekeeper from Mpls having a hive from hell. She has had four swarms from one hive. Normally when a hive swarms the new queen will run around and kill any other queen in the hive. Sometimes this does not happen. Swarm after swarm will leave over a one week period. Every swarm will be smaller than the next. The swarming stops when the hive runs out of queens. The field bees in the multiple swarm hives are totally depleted. The hive will recover with time but the nectar collection will not be very good.
 The nectar flow is coming along great, time to think about a plan for harvesting the honey, mite control in August, entering the state fair to show off your new honey crop.