Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Volunteers needed for the fair

Dave Schaaf runs the Bee and Honey display
Volunteers are needed to help at the State Fair. It is a three hour stint at the Bee and Honey display in the Ag Hort building. You will be talking to the general public about honey bees. This is a great help for the public to get good information about honeybees from the beekeepers that work the hives. Usually you sit on a chair in front of an observation hive. Everyone wants to see the queen. The queens are marked and are easy to spot. It is in the shade, the doors are wide open and most of the time there is a nice breeze blowing through. So even if it is hot out it is in a comfortable spot out of the sun and weather.
 You do not have to be an expert. You know more about bees than the public. Give yourself credit. You put the bees in the hive, they grew to an awesome colony, and now there is honey on the hive. The civilians that you will be talking to don't know what a queen excluder is, so any new beekeeper sounds like an expert. If you don't know the answer to a question that is ok, someone there will know it.
 Every beekeeper that does this comes away from it as a great experience. It is a lot of fun being the expert, because you are one.
Sign up at the link below.
State Fair Bee Interpreters