Sunday, May 24, 2015

Second box and what is coming next

Everyone who purchased bees from Nature's Nectar LLC on our April 11th and April 18th deliveries should be in their second box by now. If the bees have been stubborn and not drawn out the outer frames in the first box, but their population clearly has gotten bigger. I would put on the second box any way. Move a frame they are working with nectar and pollen in the frame, from the first box. up into the second box. As the bees draw frames in the second box, I would exchange the lower undrawn frames with drawn frames and slide drawn frames with no brood on them to the lower box. When the comb is all drawn out in a box you remove one frame and run nine frames in each deep box.
  If the bees are on new foundation the hive still needs to be fed sugar syrup until the bees have finished making comb on all the frames.
 The population in the hives should now be increasing rapidly. Brood will be emerging now daily.
 With the larger population the bees should be able to make comb faster and may use the sugar syrup at a little faster rate.
   The dandelion and fruit blooms are for the most part over with. Right now there is very little nectar out there for the bees to get. The next nectar flow will be Black Locust trees. They should start blooming soon. Hives with large populations may be able to get some honey from this blooming tree if the trees are in the hives foraging range. Make sure honey supers are on all overwintered colonies.
 Upcoming nectar flows: Alfalfa will be available around the first week of June with the first cutting of hay. Alfalfa usually produces more nectar with the second cutting of hay. That usually happens in early July.
 The main nectar flow in the Twin Cities usually begins around the third week of June. Earlier in southern Minnesota later in the northern part of the state.
 When a new hive has finished  drawing out their comb, a reversal is done. Bottom box is moved to the top. Then supers are put on at this time.
 When it is time to do this reversal and you find that the top box is very full and heavy with honey. It will be too late to do the reversal and the hive should be left the way it is and supers added.