Monday, August 4, 2014

Annual Honey Extracting Workshop - Sunday, Aug 17th

Uncapping frames with a hot knife

Master Beekeeper Bob Sitko

 We will be having our annual extracting workshop on August 17th.
This is a hands on workshop. All attendees will be able to uncap honey frames with a hot knife and capping scratcher. The frames will then be put into a 3 frame hand extractor to spin out the honey. The honey will be filtered and put into a bottling pail. Everyone will be able to pour a bottle of honey to take home.
 Also Master Beekeeper Bob Sitko will demonstrate methods on how to pull honey off the hive.
 He will also talk about getting a hive ready for winter.
  •  Cost - Free
  • When - Sunday, August 17th
  • Where - Nature's Nectar LLC Honey house at our home
  • Time - 1 - 4 pm
  • RSVP mandatory - limited to 50 beekeepers. Please no children unless they are the beekeeper. If you have taken this before, please no repeats. 
This fills up very quickly, call or email the RSVP
Using the three frame extractor