Feeding 1:1 syrup with a pail feeder. Notice the stick. The hive was not level so I shim the pail so it won't leak out.
Pollen patties are a welcome addition to a bees diet. MMMMMMMMMMMMM good.
Leave the wax paper on both sides to keep the patty fresh. The bees will chew it up.
The weather appears to be heading for a swing to warmer temperatures. This coming weekend looks good for a hive check. Now a look to see. Dead or Alive. The need to know is getting important so package bees can be ordered to fill dead colonies.Leave the wax paper on both sides to keep the patty fresh. The bees will chew it up.
Syrup can be fed as it warms up. 1:1 sugar syrup is the mixture for spring feeding. Syrup treated with Fumigilan to help prevent Nosema Apis and Nosema Ceranae.
A word of caution about feeding. It is important not to feed pail after pail of syrup. A strong overwintered colony will put it away in large amounts. Later when the dandelions come out the whole hive can become honey bound. Leaving no place for the queen to lay, Causing dwindling and no honey and a weak colony.
It is better to watch the syrup intake, making sure there is at least a few frames of food, not a smorgasbord.
If the syrup is on it is also time for pollen patties.
Pollen patties are essential for colony growth if there is no pollen in frames or natural pollen available. Pollen put on now makes a colony strong for divides in May. Failure to give pollen or pollen patties will make a colony lag and the population will suffer.
The added nutrition can possibly help keep nosema ceranae at bay.