Saturday, August 30, 2008

Cut Comb ez comb honey

This is how the frames looked when I pulled the super.

I used a stainless comb cutter to cut out the comb. Note the brown propolis on the end bars and on the edge of the top bars.. The bees put propolis wherever there is a crack.

The comb is placed on a cookie cooling rack with a pan underneath to drip for 24 hours.

I put three cut comb frames with thin surplus foundation on when the nectar flow was going. They fit in a medium super.

My colonies produced three frames of cut comb that I put on in mid July. They were not full, but there was some comb.
I pulled the supers using Honey Robber and a fume board.
The comb honey frames were pulled. I set a frame on a cutting board. I used a serrated knife to cut the comb off of the frame. Taking the 3-7/8" comb cutter from a pan of hot water. I wipe off the water then cut through the comb.
Cleaning the cutter off after every cut.
The comb is placed on a cooling rack above a cookie sheet to drip for 24 hours. The next day I put them in clam shell containers.
This is the easiest type of comb honey to make. The frames fit in a medium super. The only eqiupment needed is the frames, foundation, comb cutter and clam shells.

Extracting workshop

Master Beekeeper Bob Sitko

Uncapping Frames

Extracting and Filtering honey

Uncapping frame of honey with hot knife

The extracting workshop went well. Master Beekeeper Bob Sitko explained methods of pulling honey. He also talked about mite and nosema treatments. Wintering the hive was demonstrated also.
I demonstrated how to uncap, extract, filter and bottle honey. Everyone bottled a jar to take home.
Wendy served up some honey crinkle cookies, honey popcorn and honey limeade.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Annual Extracting Workshop

My annual extracting workshop will be held on Sunday August 17 at 2 - 4pm. It is free of charge to attend.
It will be limited to 50 people. Due to its popularity first time beekeepers only. I am sorry but I have to limit this to folks who have never been here before.
My disclaimer: Caution should be taken as there can be bees flying around and bee stings can and will happen.

We will demonstrate:

  • Methods of pulling honey off the hive
  • Using a hot knife for uncapping
  • Spinning the frames in an extractor
  • Filtering honey
  • Bottling a bear to take home
  • Setting up a hive for winter
This is a hands on demonstration and everyone is welcome to try out the equipment.
Please RSVP me to sign up. 651-439-8793